Big things are happening in Toronto ! Very big ! Tremendous .
The city is vibrant , the people almost to a person pleasant and innovation is the word . At the MARs innovation centre hundreds of entrepreneurs and startups are meeting to talk business ,science and innovation . All sorts of ideas are talked about with almost a pioneering naivety going on .
The buildings are grand the people are excited and it feels like opportunity really exists . In all the biotech and healthcare clusters there is a pattern . When the cluster starts there is a real “raw energy”as it matures and people start getting involved ! Yes people !on two legs organisation drag occurs and that crisp exciting energy gets squashed
The big money comes with maturity in the sector but this is where innovation can be stifled The energy of Toronto ,MARs, the impact centre is fabulous let’s keep it going and Johnson and Johnson seems to be the potential saviour .
So impressed by the J labs !!!!!!!Double awesome .Vibrant,like a night club ,inspiring,disco lighting ,people are so happy .How do they do it ????
The conversation needs to continue can people keep up with the pace of innovation and techology ?lets replicate the vibe of J labs very impressive it may be an answer.To be continued …….